Warszawskie Centrum Postępu Techniczno-Organizacyjnego Budownictwa

Działamy od 1982 roku

WACETOB Sp. z o.o.

WACETOB was founded in 1982 as an initiative of Polski Związek Inżynierów i Techników Budownictwa (Polish Association of Civil Engineers and Technicians). Today, WACETOB is a strong technical and formal-legal base for all activities related to construction. WACETOB offers a wide selection of well-organised services in which we have acquired experience for 40 years! Ranging from making expert opinions and issuing opinions on the technical condition of buildings and structures to the sale of the professional publishing materials and utility prints that necessary on every construction site.


  • expert opinions and opinions on the technical condition of buildings and constructions as well as technical inspections,
  • opinions, and technical, economic and legal opinions in the field of creating, accounting and shaping prices of construction works – for business entities, courts and individuals,
  • opinions and expert opinions in the area of public procurement,
  • construction supervision,
  • property valuation,
  • apprenticeships for candidates for property valuation experts,
  • training courses in the field of construction law, cost estimation, property valuation,
  • sale of specialised publications for the construction industry.

More information: OUR OFFER


Since March 14th 2008, WACETOB has had a certificate confirming that its Quality Management System (QMS) meets the requirements of EN ISO 9001 QMS in the area of: construction supervision, development of expertise, opinions, tender documentation and cost estimates. More information: ISO


We cooperate with:

Polski Związek Pracodawców Budownictwa
Stowarzyszenie Kosztorysantów Budowlanych
Instytut Techniki Budowlanej
Politechnika Warszawska
Polski Związek Inżynierów i Techników Budownictwa
Polska Izba Inżynierów Budownictwa
Mazowiecka Okręgowa Izba Inżynierów Budownictwa
Izba Projektowania Budowlanego

Zamówienia Publiczne – Doradca
Przegląd Budowlany
Inżynier Budownictwa
Ośrodek Edukacyjny FORUM
Ogólnopolskie Stowarzyszenie Konsultantów Zamówień Publicznych
Akademia Eurokadry

WACETOB’s agreement with the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy of the Military University of Technology

The agreement established that the cooperation between WACETOB and the Faculty will cover the following areas:
• Participation in the development and study of new technical solutions and technologies.
• Solving technological and implementation problems occurring in the construction process.
• Conducting research, scientific supervision and development of expert opinions by the Faculty researchers for the needs of WACETOB on established principles.
• Organising professional practices and visits for the Faculty students with the use of WACETOB’s organisational potential.
• Organising and participating in workshops, seminars and scientific and technical conferences.
• Scholarships and awards for outstanding diploma theses and scientific and technical achievements in which WACETOB’s studies have been taken into consideration.
• WACETOB presentations and projects implemented by WACETOB at the Faculty forum.
• Preparation and conduct of training, courses and post-graduate studies by the Faculty on the principles applicable in the Military University of Technology.
• WACETOB sponsoring selected student events organised by the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy.
• Other plans agreed by the parties in separate agreements.

Information about the Agreement can be found on the WIG WAT website.


Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego
Budimex S.A.
Centralny Ośrodek Sportu w Spale
Elektrownia Kozienice
Erbud S.A.
Główny Urząd Nadzoru Budowlanego
Hydrobudowa Gdańsk
ING Bank Śląski
J.W. Construction
Karpacka Spółka Gazownictwa Sp. z o.o.
Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Wodociągów i Kanalizacji w Warszawie
Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych

Ministerstwo Sportu i Turystyki
Mostostal Warszawa
PGE Elektrociepłownia Kielce S.A.
Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa S.A.
Sąd Okręgowy w Warszawie
ZM-B „Osiedle Kabaty”
Stadion Narodowy
Trybunał Konstytucyjny
Uniwersytet Wrocławski
Uniwersytet Warszawski
Urząd Dzielnicy Warszawa Mokotów
Warsaw Towers
Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych


In March 2022, it has been 40 years since WACETOB (Warsaw Centre for Technical and Organisational Development of Building Engineering) began its activity. The company fits perfectly in a difficult service market, basing its activity on qualified and experienced specialists.

WACETOB was founded in 1982 as an initiative of activists of the Warsaw branch of the Polish Association of Construction Engineers and Technicians, as an economic unit supporting the statutory activity of the association, based on the use of professional qualifications of its members.

The first tough years of activity were devoted to refining new forms of work, searching for their own original legal, organisational and economic solutions in the economic circumstances that existed back then.
The conceptual and organisational effort put into within the first period of activity meant that the effects came quite quickly. WACETOB has been dynamically developing, gaining more and more recognition in the construction world.

The scope of activity of WACETOB at that time included: promotion and implementation of modern technical and organisational solutions, working on the issues of inventiveness and patent protection, as well as running design and training services. As part of the Centre, the Expert Group was active, which specialised in conducting trainings, seminars and scientific and technical conferences.
New forms of activity were constantly sought, which would make the spread of knowledge and experience even more dynamic and attractive. For example, in 1986, a film studio was created at the Warsaw Center for the production of professional instruction and training videos. The Center was also the main animator of the tv show “Wszechnica Budowlana”, and achieved success winning the silver medal in the world of inventions at EUREKA 86 in Brussels for “KRYLA-FLO”.

The need to adapt the business to the changing market requirements has resulted in the company’s evolution and reconstruction of the business profile towards the development of consulting and marketing activities for other business units. Comprehensive services in the field of construction were carried out in the field of technical expertise and opinions, property and fixed assets valuation of enterprises, promotion and marketing of technologies, materials and equipment, design, cost estimation, investor’s supervision, and production of technical and information video films.

WACETOB was the publisher of the monthly “Przegląd Budowlany”, “Ceny, normowanie i kosztorysowanie robót budowlanych” (“Prices, standardisation and cost estimation of construction works”), “Poradnik inspektora nadzoru inwestorskiego i inwestora” (“Guide to the supervision of the investor”), price lists for the valuation of buildings and other technical publications for the construction industry.

The company organised trainings, opened a Studium Podyplomowego Szacowania Nieruchomości (Postgraduate Real Estate Assessment Study), gave expert opinions and carried out other activities at the request of business entities. Moreover, a number of Tangible Outlays Indexes have been developed and published (KNR – W).

The sale of its own publications and then also other publishers has begun, which gave rise to today’s bookstore.

Since March 14th 2008, WACETOB has had a certificate confirming that the Quality Management System (QMS) meets the requirements of EN ISO 9001 QMS in the area of: construction supervision, development of expertise, opinions, tender documentation and cost estimates. This plays an important role in our company due to the fact that we provide services for many customers and their satisfaction is paramount to us.

A number of changes dictated by the market, the needs and the will to develop have shaped the company’s image today. We currently conduct business in the scope of drawing up cost and economic expertises, opinions and technical decisions, opinions in the field of public procurement, draft contracts, cost estimation and settlement of construction works. We provide services in the field of investor’s supervision, performing the function of a contract engineer, preparation, verification of tender documentation, real estate valuation, organisation of training and courses as well as apprenticeships in the field of real estate appraisal.

We also run publishing activities.